4 min de citit
Dreams Corner, Inclusive Education Center Beclean, Bistrița-Năsăud
Pre-School students realized that something is missing in their classroom. The missing thing was a space where there will be toys and...

2 min de citit
I Can! – “Romulus Paraschivoiu” Technology High School, Lovin, Timis
Students identified a problem that prevents them from having an optimal school environment: personal lockers, where they can keep their...

2 min de citit
SUPERHEROES through movement, collaboration, friendship - Nr.1 Secondary School, Rm. Sărat, Buzău
The pupils identified a frequent problem encountered in schools in Romania, especially in our school. It’s about the right to equality,...

5 min de citit
Past, present and future - we are united through involvement! - Secondary School Sihlea, Vrancea
The group of pupils objectively analysed the reality of our community and concluded that there is an immediate need of a group of people...
5 min de citit
WE EXPEL VIOLENCE - Together we build a better future! Ziduri Secondary School, Buzau
Violence weakens the pupils’ connection with school, feelings of fear and insecurity are triggered - events that are since the beginning...

4 min de citit
Together we change the future! “Marcea Pompiliu” Secondary School, Tg. Jiu-Gorj
The focus in this project was make a change at the community level, a change proposed and achieved by little superheroes of third grade...

3 min de citit
Together we can say stop! Secondary School nr. 1 Bogdanesti, Suceava county
Pupils identified a problem often encountered in Romanian schools especially in our school. It’s about bullying. Children identified the...

5 min de citit
4 R SUPERHERO –Redu- Reciclează – Refoloseşte – Refuză Plasticul Școala Gimnazială Lehliu-Gară
Proiectul nostru, numit SUPEREROUL 4 R, a plecat de la întrebarea unui elev: „D-nă am văzut la televizor că un pui de balenă – pilot, a...

3 min de citit
Together we succeed! Lunca Secondary School, Pascani!
Pupils identified a problem often encountered in Romanian schools especially in our school. It’s about bullying. Children identified the...