6 min de citit
Street Library - National Highschool „Calistrat Hogaș” Piatra Neamț
Free Libraries are popular abroad and in Romania's largest city, we would like to bring this concept in our city as well. Even if it is...

3 min de citit
Changing the Community - Dragomirești Secondary School, Dâmbovița
The students from Secondary School Dragomiresti decided to get involved in environmental activities to bring change in their community....

3 min de citit
Rainbow Book Club -,,Toma T. Socolescu” Secondary School, Păulești, Prahova
The school library became community library as a result of this project. During meeting at the local library the students realized that...

4 min de citit
POTential Made in Gologanu! Secondary School, Gologanu, Vrancea
The local soccer field located on the outskirts of the village, where we could organize events. sports competitions, games, and practice,...

4 min de citit
Fenomenul de bullying ia amploare în randul tinerilor, așa că elevii clasei a III a C, au hotărât să reducă violența dintre ei în timpul...

5 min de citit
Profesor pentru colegii mei, Școala Gimnazială Nr. 7 „Sfânta Maria”, Timișoara
Elevii din clasa a V a H au devenit, in cadrul acestui proiect, profesori pentru colegii lor. Copiii si-au dat seama ca fiecare dintre ei...

4 min de citit
School Garden, ”Sfânta Maria” No. 7 Secondary School Timișoara
Our school is modern, clean and upgraded. Our classrooms have new furniture, we have computer and projector in each classroom. The only...

5 min de citit
Differences and Alternatives, Ulmi Secondary School, Dâmbovița
Why environmental education? Because more than 5.3 million people use natural resources (often abusing them with knowledge and sometime...

6 min de citit
Reading makes us wealthier, „I. Cîmpineanu” Secondary School Cîmpineanca, Vrancea
Our final project turned out to be very different than the one we started with. Initially 6 graders decided to solve the issue of parks...

7 min de citit
Eu Pot Zâmbi!, Școala Gimnazială ,,Mihail Kogalniceanu” Dorohoi, Botoșani
Proiectul ,,EU POT ZÂMBI!” a fost implementat la nivel local prin desfășurarea unor activități în parteneriat menite a valorifica...